Metal Detector 6450 Powerful Gold Finder Five Detection Modes Underground Search Device Kit for Adults Gifts

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Product Information :

metal detector MD6450 designed with high sensitivity to find the smallest gold nuggets ,bronze and silver ,also search for the uncovered treasure which can be used in backyard ,shoreline ,mountains or is very professional metal detrector.

Adjustable 6450 detector's stem length for comfortable use.
MD 6450 LCD display interface is clearer and faster to read data.
With headphone jack, lets you connect headphone and operate without trouble.
With gadding grip and elbow support which can let you carry and operate your detector comfortably, to make sure this detector is easy for people of different sizes, ages.
Suitable for finding and testing metal objects, gold and silver jewelry, coins, relics, etc. Whether you are a budding treasure hunter or an experienced metal detecting hobbyist, you can easily use it.

MD-6450 Specification :

Power supply:Four AA battery

Sensitivity:8 setting level

Operation modes:All metal, Jewelry,custom,relics,coin,pinpointer

Coil:11″ waterproof search coil with cable

Audio:Multi-tone audio

Detected indication:LCD with digital display and backup light

Battery Condition Indicator:yes

Distinguish:ferrous and non-ferrous

The MD-6450 also features Enhanced Iron Resolution (additional resolution for separating desirable targets from iron junk in cluttered areas) and a standard 8.5″ × 11″ elliptical Double-D search coil engineered for optimum performance in more challenging mineralized soils.

5-Search Modes Pinpointing :





All Metal (Zero)

MD-6450 Packlist:

1pcs Host control(Don't included battery)

2pcs Connecting Rod

1pcs Search coil

1pcs sun shade

1pcs Manual

MD-6450 kits Packlist:

1pcs Host control(Don't included battery)
2pcs Connecting Rod
1pcs Search coil
1pcs sun shade
1pcs Manual
1pcs Headphone
1pcs GP-Pointer

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